

Parents and carers have a legal duty to ensure that their children of compulsory school age receive a suitable full-time education. It is also vital that they encourage their child's regular and punctual attendance at school.

It is important that everyone works together to help children obtain the best possible start in life with a good education. Parents should work in partnership with the school, notifying the school of the reason for any of their child’s absences and highlighting any areas of concern they may have so they can be addressed promptly.
We ask that parents contact school on the first day of absence and keep us updated if they are off for more than a couple of days. Research shows a link between good attendance and attainment in school and Ofsted expect good attendance to be around 96% across a school year and as a school we are just in line with this national average.

Every school has a link Attendance Officer in Devon. Their aim is to reduce unnecessary absences from school by offering support and help to pupils, parents and schools. A school must make a referral to the Attendance Service when a pupils' attendance is a cause for concern or when attendance drops below 85%. We also have Trust support from an attendance officer. 

Parents/carers are reminded that all holidays should be taken out of term time. If this is unavoidable then the form below must be completed and returned to the school office in advance of the absence. Remember that both parents may be fined for taking each child out of school and that holiday is likely to be an unauthorised absence, which may result in a fixed penalty notice. See updated notice on penalty fines below. 

It is also important that children have any medical appointments outside of the school day whenever possible and that arriving at school on time is important for the best start to their day.
We understand that some parents wish to consider home education, if you are thinking about this you may find this website useful .